I am an apprentice and practitioner of Way(s) of Council, since I experienced it by 2015.
Ancestral and modern way of sharing stories for the higher good.
Remembering… Life experiences of just being present and together – sitting together with peers and/or different generations, conversations on any topics, looking at the sky, sharing stories and perspectives – from childhood and since the history of humankind!
This is a practice of presence and truthful sharing, expressing from our life stories and being listened in a safe, familiar and confidential space. This I bring as a continuous practice to the projects of work-service as in life in interaction with each other’s, in my relationships.
*What is a circle? What to expect?*
It is a welcoming, spontaneous, confidential and co-created space. A place where you only share what is comfortable at each moment (without any obligation, agenda or goals). It is a time to practice getting out of the mind, inviting what else is present. Equality of being, listening and expressing from the heart, using inclusive communication.

I call and facilitate circles since 2016 including exclusive space for women and also family circles, human circles, all beings circles, in various locations in Portugal and in retreats – created Women´s Council Sharing Circles (2017), Fé*minino Consciente (Conscious Feminine) (2018), Way(s) of Council Women and Men Circle (2019) and Way of Council Q. TenChi (2020).
A whisper and call to offer the practice of circles, connect with nature and honor the power of listening, ceremonies and presence.

I’m an active member of portuguese council network since 2015 – Rede Way of Council Portugal and also of the European Council Network since 2017, applying the practice and quality of being in circle together. Co-organized the 11th ECN international gathering 2018 in Portugal, contributed to the 2020 and 2021 ECN gatherings online, dreamed together the presential gathering in 2022. Been part of Finance Team (2017-2019) to support the community and structure of the network throughout the year and create contents and articles namely for the newsletter. I’m in the Facilitators Circle and support Facilitators on the Path Circle, since 2019.
Continuous trainings and practice of Council come with a “learning by doing” approach to live, inspired by mentor and friend Rob Dreaming.
Trainings: Way of Council Intro (2015), The Natural Council (2018), Art of Witnessing (2018), Nature of Council (2018), Council for Couples (2019), Council in Nature (2019), Way of Council and Community (2023). Organization of Way of Council Introduction Trainings to public (2017, 2020) and organizations (2020).
By 9 June 2019 the community in a circle of recognition
honouring this lineage and tradition, validated me as a recognized facilitator.

Ilustração; Credits: Jena Nea
Find more on this practice:
Rede de Council em Portugal
Circle Ways
Center for Council
Ways of Council
European Council Network
Ojai Foundation
“I loved being in Council with Eva and Cândida. I felt immediately safe and welcomed, my heart opened and my body relaxed. The Council was deep and joyful and reminded me of the best of Council, being with folks who truly embody the practice. I left the circle feeling full and inspired. It felt like coming home in true council. In gratitude.” Carmen Wurgel, Council Facilitator